Divine Wild







My name is Devon and I'm so happy our paths crossed.

My purpose is to help you heal, step into a life of love and joy, and know yourself on a deep, intuitive level.

Using the ancient practices of Reiki and Sound Healing, I’ll help you dive deep and uncover the root causes of what’s holding you back, untangle the knots mucking up your energy, and achieve balance so that you can feel more present in the life you love again. 

Along with my healing work, I have been celebrating beautiful moments of femininity for over 10 years. I offer empowerment portraits and boudoir sessions to capture your inherent goddess energy through every phase of life.

get to know me

Nice to meet you!

How can the ancient practice of reiki healing benefit you?

Reiki sessions are often associated with a sense of release and relief. I’ll be with you as your body begins to purge things you may not even realize you’ve been holding onto. You’ll leave the session feeling a sense of calm and ease back into your day. 

Some clients experience an immediate improvement in mood and a heightened sense of emotional well-being after their session. This could be due to the release of their blocked energy and the promotion of a new positive energy flow.

You may leave the session feeling overall lighter and unburdened, both physically and emotionally. This naturally spills into our sleep cycle and many have noted better sleep quality after their session.

Reiki can sometimes trigger emotional releases as blocked energy is being cleared during our time together. Clients might experience a sense of catharsis or a rush of relief in areas of their body we are working on together. 

Explore my reiki
service offerings

stress + anxiety



Release of

Tap into your divine feminine essence

with a soul portrait session

Are you ready to embrace your beauty and celebrate your essence in an artistic, empowering, and intimate way? 

Welcome to the world of Divine Wild photography, where together we will craft visual tales that capture your beauty, strength, and confidence.

Boudoir photography is about more than just photographs; it's a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. It's about revealing the true you - confident, beautiful, and uniquely captivating. 

My passion is to create a safe and empowering space where you can embrace your femininity, showcase your strength, and unlock your inner allure.

View my portfolio

Copyright Divine WIld Healing + Photography
